Wrap-up. Bountiful Yards: Innovation for Small-Plot Food Production


Bountiful Yards: Innovation for Small-Plot Food Production was held on May 17, 2011 at Hunter College. A bright, thoughtful and engaged audience of about 100 people packed Hunter’s West Building lobby.  Thanks to all who came, and to the presenters who gave us plenty of food for thought.  Thanks also to moderator Michael Menser and to CISC’s own Dr. Peter Marcotullio, for their introductions and insight.  Watch video from the event below, and be sure to join the CISC newsletter to be kept informed of future events. 

Event Video


From the press release:

The CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities invites you to a panel discussion on food and farming in metropolitan areas, featuring guests from the New York Region and Melbourne, Australia. Learn about innovative models for transforming yards into food-producing spaces, as well as the implications for both the metropolitan landscape and the larger food system.

Date: May 17, 2011 • Time: 6:00pm • Location: Hunter College Faculty Dining Hall; 8th Floor Hunter West Building

Panelists (click panelist name for .pdf of slide presentation):

Babette Audant: Lecturer, Culinary Arts Program and Urban Farm Faculty Project Manager, Kingsborough Community College

Ari Fainchtien: PhD Candidate, Institute for Sustainability and Technology Policy, Murdoch University, CTO of Stakeware

Deborah Greig: Urban Agriculture Coordinator, East New York Farms

Laura Lawson: Author of City Bountiful: A Century of Community Gardening in America

Moderated by Michael Menser, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Brooklyn College