What Would It Mean to Understand Climate Change? November 29 at Columbia University


“What would it Mean to Understand Climate Change?” will be held on November 29th from 3:30PM – 5:30PM on the 2nd floor of the Heyman Center for the Humanities (see http://heymancenter.org/visit/ for directions). During this seminar, leading scholars from the fields of climate science (Isaac Held, NOAA/Princeton), philosophy (Philip Kitcher, Columbia), and science journalism (Jonathan Weiner, Columbia) will compare the ways that different communities make sense of the enormity of climate change, and address the question of what remains to be understood.

The seminar is organized by the Research Cluster on Environmental Sciences and Humanities at the Center for Science and Society in collaboration with Columbia’s Initiative on Extreme Weather and Climate, which seeks to understand the risks to human life and property from extreme weather events, both in the present and future climates, and on developing solutions to mitigate those risks. The Center for Science and Society aims to create collaborative inquiry between the natural and social sciences and the humanities by carrying out collectively conceived research, teaching, and public programming to formulate new perspectives, innovative scholarship, and further public understanding about the role of science in society.

We hope you will join us for this exciting event.

HISC 2019