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How Would You Design the Future of NYC?


In the third of City Atlas’ TEDxCity2.0 videos, from an event hosted by City Atlas and the sus­tain­able cof­fee bar COFFEED, Eric Sander­son intro­duces Man­na­hatta 2409.

Dr. Sander­son is a Senior Con­ser­va­tion Ecol­o­gist at the Wildlife Con­ser­va­tion Soci­ety, and the cre­ator of the inter­ac­tive project Welikia​.org about the nat­ural his­tory of New York City (includ­ing the land­scape of Man­hat­tan, orig­i­nally called Man­na­hatta). Here he describes the ideas that led to his new project about the future of New York, Man​na​hat​ta2409​.org, a design plat­form on which you will be able to cre­ate and share your future vision for the city. Every fea­ture you add or change shows up on an eco­log­i­cal dash­board: will you be able to make a city per­form as well as a forest?