Dr. William Solecki of ISC will be part of a pannel speaking at the Museum of the City of New York about the affect climate change will have on the landfill of New York City next Wednesday, October 7th.
Landfill was used by the Dutch and by later generations to transform the landmass of the island; today, climate change and rising sea levels threaten to again alter our city and reclaim some of the historic landfill. Join Dr. Ann L. Buttenwieser, adjunct assistant professor at Columbia University’s School of Architecture, Urban Planning, and Historic Preservation and author of Manhattan Water-Bound: Manhattan’s Waterfront from the Seventeenth Century to the Present (Syracuse UP, 1999); Dr. Ed Cook, Doherty Senior Scholar at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory; Dr. Eric Sanderson, Director of the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Mannahatta Project and guest curator of the Museum’s exhibition Mannahatta/Manhattan; and Dr. William Solecki, geography professor at Hunter College and Director of the Institute for Sustainable Cities at Hunter College, as they discuss the forces that have altered our shoreline.
Wednesday • October 7 • 6:30 PM
$6 Museum members; $8 students and seniors; $12 non-members
For tickets, call 212.534.1672, ext. 3395, or order online at www.mcny.org/public-programs/
Visit the critically-acclaimed exhibition Mannahatta/Manhattan: A Natural History of New York City through Columbus Day, Monday, October 12.
Museum of the City of New York
1220 Fifth Avenue at 104th Street
New York, NY 10029