This Saturday, as part of PechaKucha Night New York‘s “Dimensions of a New City,” ISC Collaborative Programs Manager Carina Molnar will lead a lightning-fast presentation of the making of the City Atlas project. PechaKucha events give participating presenters 6 minutes to present 20 slides about their project (20 seconds per slide = 20 x 20). According to the main PechaKucha website, the 20×20 format “makes presentations concise, and keeps things moving at a rapid pace.
This PechaKucha, timed and titled to coincide with the Festival of Ideas for a New City, “will bring together architects and comedians, public policy makers and graffiti artists, urban planners and independent filmmakers all bound together by the question of how public space can change the face of the city and the residents who live there. The event will be staged live at TheThey Co’s Old School Gym, a venue selected for its historical roots in the neighborhood and its new role in future growth.”
No RSVP is necessary, but arrive early for a good seat. Admission is $10 at the door. As the event runs from 8 pm until 3 am, and will coincide with other projects in and around the building, this event will be well worth the price of entry.
Event Details:
PechaKuchaNY #11 – Dimensions of a New City: a night of 50 dynamic and eclectic presentations exploring the future of cities
When: MARCH 7th, 8 pm – MARCH 8th, 3 am (City Atlas will be presented at 11 pm sharp)
Where: 268 MULBERRY ST.
The Old School Gymbetween Prince and Houston$10 at the door
collaborative initiative in New York involving scores of Downtown organizations
working together to harness the power of the creative community to imagine
the future city and explore ideas that will shape it. The Festival will include
a three-day slate of symposia; an innovative StreetFest along the Bowery;
and over eighty independent projects and public events. For more information,