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2009 Sustainability Research Poster Contest


The Institute for Sustainable Cities at Hunter College (ISC) presents the 2009 Governors Island Research Poster Contest. This summer marks our 4th Annual Science Exhibition and Lecture Series on Governors Island. Our “Sustainable Living for Sustainable Cities” programming this summer focuses on sustainability as it relates to city life at work, at home, and on the go.

Though we have showcased CUNY research in the past, this year we are making a particular effort to applaud and publicize the important research that CUNY students are doing. We encourage ALL CUNY students conducting urban sustainability research to submit research posters for display and evaluation.

Poster submissions will be on public display at Governors Island every weekend from June 27 to September 5, 2009 (students are NOT required to be present with their posters). Governors Island attracts over 70,000 visitors each summer making our poster sessions a wonderful opportunity for CUNY students to educate and inspire a large public audience through their research.

We welcome a diversity of submissions on all aspects of urban sustainability including topics as diverse as climate law, ecological services, green design and engineering, industrial ecology, sustainable business practices, alternative energy development and use, and civic environmentalism.

Deadline for submitting poster abstract or an email notifying us of your intent to submit a poster by our final deadline: Thursday, May 21, 2009, by 5PM.

Submission Details
The following information must also be provided with your abstract: name, email address and phone number, student status and school (e.g. sophomore at Queens, master’s student at Hunter), and major or program. Abstracts should be emailed as a Word document or pdf to Josh Helmin at Please use “Governors Island Poster Submission” as the email subject line.

The Institute reserves the right to discontinue the contest if no more than 15 submissions are received by 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 21, 2009

Posters must be submitted in hard copy to the Institute for Sustainable Cities at 695 Park Ave, 1215 East Building.

Official Rules

  • The contest is open to all currently enrolled CUNY students. Faculty members are encouraged to submit posters but will not be included in the contest or judging.

  • Posters may have multiple authors (co-authors), however only one entry will be allowed per person. Prizes will be awarded per poster.

  • Abstract must be 200 words or less. Abstracts need to follow standard abstract guidelines and contain all basic components. An excellent summary of how to write an abstract can be found at the following sites:

  • Work must be original. Though the research may be conducted under the supervision of a faculty advisor, the poster (and abstract) should be of the student’s own writing, design, and construction.

  • Posters should be of high academic quality and meet the expectations of college/university level work. Each should contain all standard poster elements (a proper title, headings, text, graphics and captions) divided into appropriate sections (introduction, materials and methods, results, conclusions, literature cited, acknowledgements, and further information) and formatted for a large poster. The following websites offer detailed advice on how to plan and execute effective posters:
We strongly encourage you to use these websites. Posters that do not meet these requirements will not be accepted.


  • All posters must be printed onto one single page. Posters must be within the size range of 24” by 36” to 36” by 48”. Posters larger than 36” by 48” OR smaller then 24” by 36” will not be accepted. ISC is not responsible for any printing cost.

  • After submission, ISC will mount all posters onto foam board using a spray adhesive. This mounting is permanent, therefore posters will be returned to students on foam board.

  • Posters will be available for pick up at the ISC offices (Hunter College East Building, room 1215) from September 7 until September 25, 2009, after which time the posters will become the property of ISC.

  • The exhibition hall will be monitored by day and locked shut at night. Regardless, the Institute cannot take responsibility for the security and safety of posters while on display at Governors Island.

  • The Institute cannot take responsibility for loss or damage to any poster while in transport to or from Governors Island.

  • The Institute reserves the right to discontinue the contest if no more than 15 submissions are received by 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 21, 2009.

  • The Institute reserves the right to change any and all rules at any time without notice.

Entries will be judged in a “People’s Choice Award” contest, whereby all visitors to the exhibition will be able to cast a ballot. Visitors will be asked to review each poster based on the following criteria: accessibility and understanding, aesthetic appeal, and ability to generate interest. Visitors will then vote for their favorite poster. Only one vote per visitor.

Prizes supporting sustainable green living will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.

Additional Information
For additional information contact Josh Helmin at or 212.396.6264.